Personal information:
Name: Vladimir
Age: 19
Country: Russia
Your character:
Nick: Urghar
Class: Warrior
Character profile:
Professions: 450 miner and bs
Armory link (or main stats if You cant link):
Also u can check, i'm cashed there.
Explain why you prefer your current gear and talent spec: choosing what to wear using tankpoins, and
Screenshot of your raidUI (optional, but a big plus):
Name raid-important mods You are using: DBM, TankWarnings, Recount, Omen.
How reliable is your internet connection: sometimes have problem with latency, so it rises up to 300-400, but still can play.
Do you have Ventrilo (mic not required): nope, but can install.
At what hours are you available for raiding: 19:00, but better from 20:00 to, i think 01:00 - 02:00
Which days are you able to raid: all, but sometimes can miss friday or weekend.
If your experience was on a different character or in a different spec, please specify.
Pre-TBC: I have received my 70-lvl at the day of release WOTLK.
Black Temple:
Sunwell Plateau:
Malygos: i have read tact
Naxxramas: 10-man: 3 wings. 25-man: 2 wings, it's problem to find good raid without guild.
OS: 10 & 25 done as MT and OT.
What were your previous guilds and why did you leave? Death and Destruction, guildleader leave guild ) Nice guild, but a lot of problems between members.
Tell us some more about yourself as a player: I rly love this game, i'm not a stupid bastard, and always ready for learning, i will never leave raid just because we wipe every second, i will try to find the reason and fix it.
What makes raiding fun for you: Tanking is so great, i'm realy good at it, read a lot of manuals, complete almoste all instance in TBK, then all on normal in WOTLK, and then on heroic, it's rly fun, and raid is just a big instance, so more fun. And when you're tanking, life of all 25-man on u and healers, it so cool to feel it!
What is your view on your role in a raid: MT or OT.
What are the most important things a guild can offer you: nice pepole, that know what to do.
Which part of our guild rules do you like best? Raiding schedule very nice, and "We're a semi-hardcore raiding guild" sounds great!
Do you know anyone in the guild who can vouch for you: Realhustle tell me to make note here )
Name: Vladimir
Age: 19
Country: Russia
Your character:
Nick: Urghar
Class: Warrior
Character profile:
Professions: 450 miner and bs
Armory link (or main stats if You cant link):
Also u can check, i'm cashed there.
Explain why you prefer your current gear and talent spec: choosing what to wear using tankpoins, and
Screenshot of your raidUI (optional, but a big plus):
Name raid-important mods You are using: DBM, TankWarnings, Recount, Omen.
How reliable is your internet connection: sometimes have problem with latency, so it rises up to 300-400, but still can play.
Do you have Ventrilo (mic not required): nope, but can install.
At what hours are you available for raiding: 19:00, but better from 20:00 to, i think 01:00 - 02:00
Which days are you able to raid: all, but sometimes can miss friday or weekend.
If your experience was on a different character or in a different spec, please specify.
Pre-TBC: I have received my 70-lvl at the day of release WOTLK.
Black Temple:
Sunwell Plateau:
Malygos: i have read tact
Naxxramas: 10-man: 3 wings. 25-man: 2 wings, it's problem to find good raid without guild.
OS: 10 & 25 done as MT and OT.
What were your previous guilds and why did you leave? Death and Destruction, guildleader leave guild ) Nice guild, but a lot of problems between members.
Tell us some more about yourself as a player: I rly love this game, i'm not a stupid bastard, and always ready for learning, i will never leave raid just because we wipe every second, i will try to find the reason and fix it.
What makes raiding fun for you: Tanking is so great, i'm realy good at it, read a lot of manuals, complete almoste all instance in TBK, then all on normal in WOTLK, and then on heroic, it's rly fun, and raid is just a big instance, so more fun. And when you're tanking, life of all 25-man on u and healers, it so cool to feel it!
What is your view on your role in a raid: MT or OT.
What are the most important things a guild can offer you: nice pepole, that know what to do.
Which part of our guild rules do you like best? Raiding schedule very nice, and "We're a semi-hardcore raiding guild" sounds great!
Do you know anyone in the guild who can vouch for you: Realhustle tell me to make note here )