Personal information:
Name: Felix
Age: 18
Country: Sweden
Your character:
Nick: Chêf
Class: Shaman
Character profile:
Professions: Alch 450, Herb 450, Fishing 450, Cooking 450, first aid 450.
Armory link (or main stats if You cant link):
Explain why you prefer your current gear and talent spec:well me and healing just go hand in hand
Screenshot of your raidUI (optional, but a big plus):
Name raid-important mods You are using: DBM, Grid, Ebb, sct, cowtip.
How reliable is your internet connection: i can count my disconnections since launch on my left thumb.
Do you have Ventrilo (mic not required): yea without mic
At what hours are you available for raiding: 16:00-02:00 7days a week
Which days are you able to raid: all days, in exception when RL comes inbetween ofc
Experience: in TBC kara-maggy server best geared holy pala for a while. nowadays, i got experience from all except saph, kt, malygos
If your experience was on a different character or in a different spec, please specify.
Pre-TBC: mainstream rogue
Karazhan: holy pala
Gruul: holy pala
Magtheridon: holy pala
Zul'Aman: -
TK: -
Hyjal: -
Black Temple: -
Sunwell Plateau: -
Malygos: -
Naxxramas: shamzie
OS: shamzie
What were your previous guilds and why did you leave?
Motivations: nothing intresting since wotlk
Tell us some more about yourself as a player: always try to optimize my healing in raids and bringing the guild forward.
What makes raiding fun for you: feedback and purples
What is your view on your role in a raid: not letting us whipe
What are the most important things a guild can offer you: purplez and moar purplez
Which part of our guild rules do you like best?
As a guild we will attain a reputation, and we want that reputation to be a good one.
Therefore you should never offend other players, /ignore works much better and is much more mature in most cases.
Do you know anyone in the guild who can vouch for you: not really no
PS. Just for the ones who doesnt know, I might not stay for long, as i do have made an application to another guild and if i get accepted there i will join them, but as long as im waiting for that or if i get denied i will remain in this guild.
thats how the cookie crumbles, like it or not . atleast im being honest.
Name: Felix
Age: 18
Country: Sweden
Your character:
Nick: Chêf
Class: Shaman
Character profile:
Professions: Alch 450, Herb 450, Fishing 450, Cooking 450, first aid 450.
Armory link (or main stats if You cant link):
Explain why you prefer your current gear and talent spec:well me and healing just go hand in hand
Screenshot of your raidUI (optional, but a big plus):
Name raid-important mods You are using: DBM, Grid, Ebb, sct, cowtip.
How reliable is your internet connection: i can count my disconnections since launch on my left thumb.
Do you have Ventrilo (mic not required): yea without mic
At what hours are you available for raiding: 16:00-02:00 7days a week
Which days are you able to raid: all days, in exception when RL comes inbetween ofc
Experience: in TBC kara-maggy server best geared holy pala for a while. nowadays, i got experience from all except saph, kt, malygos
If your experience was on a different character or in a different spec, please specify.
Pre-TBC: mainstream rogue
Karazhan: holy pala
Gruul: holy pala
Magtheridon: holy pala
Zul'Aman: -
TK: -
Hyjal: -
Black Temple: -
Sunwell Plateau: -
Malygos: -
Naxxramas: shamzie
OS: shamzie
What were your previous guilds and why did you leave?
Motivations: nothing intresting since wotlk
Tell us some more about yourself as a player: always try to optimize my healing in raids and bringing the guild forward.
What makes raiding fun for you: feedback and purples
What is your view on your role in a raid: not letting us whipe
What are the most important things a guild can offer you: purplez and moar purplez
Which part of our guild rules do you like best?
As a guild we will attain a reputation, and we want that reputation to be a good one.
Therefore you should never offend other players, /ignore works much better and is much more mature in most cases.
Do you know anyone in the guild who can vouch for you: not really no
PS. Just for the ones who doesnt know, I might not stay for long, as i do have made an application to another guild and if i get accepted there i will join them, but as long as im waiting for that or if i get denied i will remain in this guild.
thats how the cookie crumbles, like it or not . atleast im being honest.