Personal information:
Your character:
Character profile:
Armory link (or main stats if You cant link):
Explain why you prefer your current gear and talent spec:i still need some upgrades for my gear,I'm focusing Mostly on Ap and gettin to 400hit which i have,Specc is frost dw (0/32/39)
Screenshot of your raidUI (optional, but a big plus):
Name raid-important mods You are using:Bigwigs/DBM/oRa2/Omen/Recount
How reliable is your internet connection:Pretty much yes (9.5/10)
Do you have Ventrilo (mic not required):yes
At what hours are you available for raiding:Anytime if needed.
Which days are you able to raid:Anything but Fridays
If your experience was on a different character or in a different spec, please specify.
Pre-TBC:Cleared Everything on my warrior (fury then)
Karazhan:Yes (warrior)
Gruul:Yes (warrior)
Magtheridon:Yes (warrior)
Zul'Aman:Yes (warrior)
SSC:Yes (warrior)
TK:Yes (warrior)
Hyjal:Yes (warrior)
Black Temple:Yes (warrior)
Sunwell Plateau:2 bosses (warrior)
Malygos:Yes (druid Feral tank)
Naxxramas:Yes all on Dk/Warrior/Druid
OS:Yes on dk/warrior/druid (did sartharion 3drakes with druid)
What were your previous guilds and why did you leave?
Tell us some more about yourself as a player:I like Raiding for the fun of it,mostly i pvp but pve is a nice way to keep myself busy.
What makes raiding fun for you:The Raiding Enviroment itself and doing new/hard encounters
What is your view on your role in a raid:Offering Horn of winter and a pretty decent dps while giving Icy talons(20% attack speed)
What are the most important things a guild can offer you:The fun of raiding and the ability to enjoy good encounters
Which part of our guild rules do you like best?anything is fine but who likes rules anyways :p
Do you know anyone in the guild who can vouch for you:nope
Your character:
Character profile:
Armory link (or main stats if You cant link):
Explain why you prefer your current gear and talent spec:i still need some upgrades for my gear,I'm focusing Mostly on Ap and gettin to 400hit which i have,Specc is frost dw (0/32/39)
Screenshot of your raidUI (optional, but a big plus):
Name raid-important mods You are using:Bigwigs/DBM/oRa2/Omen/Recount
How reliable is your internet connection:Pretty much yes (9.5/10)
Do you have Ventrilo (mic not required):yes
At what hours are you available for raiding:Anytime if needed.
Which days are you able to raid:Anything but Fridays
If your experience was on a different character or in a different spec, please specify.
Pre-TBC:Cleared Everything on my warrior (fury then)
Karazhan:Yes (warrior)
Gruul:Yes (warrior)
Magtheridon:Yes (warrior)
Zul'Aman:Yes (warrior)
SSC:Yes (warrior)
TK:Yes (warrior)
Hyjal:Yes (warrior)
Black Temple:Yes (warrior)
Sunwell Plateau:2 bosses (warrior)
Malygos:Yes (druid Feral tank)
Naxxramas:Yes all on Dk/Warrior/Druid
OS:Yes on dk/warrior/druid (did sartharion 3drakes with druid)
What were your previous guilds and why did you leave?
Tell us some more about yourself as a player:I like Raiding for the fun of it,mostly i pvp but pve is a nice way to keep myself busy.
What makes raiding fun for you:The Raiding Enviroment itself and doing new/hard encounters
What is your view on your role in a raid:Offering Horn of winter and a pretty decent dps while giving Icy talons(20% attack speed)
What are the most important things a guild can offer you:The fun of raiding and the ability to enjoy good encounters
Which part of our guild rules do you like best?anything is fine but who likes rules anyways :p
Do you know anyone in the guild who can vouch for you:nope